Wednesday, March 27, 2019

DYI ? Sometimes better to call the Pros

I have seen some crazy things in my years as a Realtor Professional, but every once in a while I come across something I have not seen before. 

Sometimes it's just better to call the pros, or talk with someone who knows. Came across this electrical fix when showing a home to a potential buyer. Yup, the cord comes right through the counter top to an electrical outlet that powers a sink disposal.  Obviously wrong on so many accounts.  I am all for trying something yourself.  Even if it means that you eventually need to call in a expert.  However, at least consult the internet or a DIY book that are readily available from Home Depot or Lowes. These handy-person books (around $20) have photos and illustrations that will help you make repairs or remodels with much more confidence. Also they provide tips on tools needed, and about how long it will take depending on your skill level. 

Besides the safety concern, the homeowner fix will be called out in a buyers inspection report and likely requested to be fixed or deduct a estimated cost from a offer.  Either way, its a problem that could have been avoided.  

Wondering what you may need to do to prepare your home for selling?  I will do a quick walk through and give you some free advise on what to do and what not to do for selling to bring in the most return for your time and dollars. Thanks for visiting!