Tuesday, January 18, 2011

See Dick and Jane Buyer Run!

So I'm sitting with Mr and Mrs Seller and I hear some familiar words. "The wife and I have lived here for 20 years. We've kept up the home good on the major things, ya know. new water heater 5 years ago. replaced the garage door opener 3 years ago. We haven't done much with the rest of the home. Heck, a buyer can come in and paint the walls the color they want and replace the carpet so they can get what they want. They can put on new kitchen countertops, granite if they want! We were going to remodel the bath, but we figure, anybody buying this home will want to do it there way, so it is like a blank canvas, ready for the buyers personal taste. So a little paint, some new carpeting, kitchen counters, new bath with ceramic tile, you know, just cosmetic stuff, and they would have a beautiful home just like they want."
See Dick and Jane Buyer come, see Dick and Jane Buyer run! There is a very simple important rule that sellers should understand:

Buyers remember what they see, not how it's going to be!

It is interesting that when I tour 10-12 homes on a weekend with a buyer, and when we review the homes to determine which home may be a good fit, the buyers remember them by what they see. I will say, "remember the ranch home on the cul de sac street with the big back yard" and they will say, "Is that the one with the hideous pink tile and worn blue carpet?" Ya, that's the one. Unless the buyer is looking at low end foreclosure fixers, buying a home and moving is stressful. Most prospective buyers are looking at a major job just moving, let alone having 4 months of "cosmetic" fix up besides. In addition, buyers always estimate fix up costs higher than what is actual. This means lower than expected offers.
So sellers, freshen up your home with new paint, carpet (or at least cleaned), install new kitchen counters and have buyers remember how your home IS.... ready to move in and enjoy!

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